
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Pulpetti tal-corned beef (Corned Beef Patties)


2 large boiled potatoes
1 large can corned beef
2 eggs
4oz Kefalotiri Grated Cheese (or grated parmesan)
4 cloves garlic, minced
handful of chopped parsley
1 tbl Curry Powder
Flour (as needed to thicken mixture)
Salt and Pepper.


Mash the potatoes up with a fork but do not cream. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well.

Shape into pulpetti (patties) and fry in vegetable oil, 3-4 at a time. You might need to change the oil if cooking a large batch.They are not easy to flip as they will break easily so extra caution is advised! 

Serve with HP Sauce and crusty Maltese bread!

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